"The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) was founded by Maria Montessori to maintain the integrity of her work and to ensure that Montessori education and AMI teacher training consistently meet the highest standards of implementation and fidelity to her legacy."
The Montessori Methodology is based on the upmost respect towards children's development and AMI provides the principles and practices that Montessori organisations must follow. You can read all about authentic Montessori education in AMI's website.
Through its affiliated societies in each country AMI supports teachers, schools and families in undersandting the Montessori Methodology. AsociaciĆ³n Montessori EspaƱola (AME) has compiled a list of schools in Spain that follow the principles and practices of authentic Montessori education. On their website they offer a list of aspects that a school must implement if they called themselves Montessori (in Spanish).
When looking for a Montessori school, here is a checklist of the very basic Montessori principles that an authentic Montessori school must follow:
- A foundation of respect towards children drives the school. Children are valued, listened to, and respected as individuals. Never use punishments, rewards, praise or any other type of external motivation.
- Lead teachers in every environment hold an AMI certification for the age-range they are teaching.
- Montessori programs have multi-age classrooms for all the levels and contain a complete set of approved materials to support the Montessori curriculum.
- A culture of cooperation over competition is the cultivated between the children and the wider school community.
- The greater goal of peace education, respect towards society and sustainable development is pursued. Check out AMI's stratic plan 2018-23.