Montessori Methodology

Montessori Education is based on the premise that children have an innate ability to learn and, when supported by an appropriate environment and educator, they are guided through their developmental needs to reach their full potential.

Dr. MarĂ­a Montessori

"Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment."

Scientific observation

Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), first female doctor in Italy, undertook studies in education, philosophy, psychology and anthropology as a basis for her growing commitment to education. Her pedagogy is based on the scientific observation of children's development all over the world. All of her discoveries are relevant today and being proved by neuroscience studies. Observation without judgement or evaluation is the key to adapt the curriculum to each child's learning style and developmental needs.

Holistic education

Montessori pedagogy goes beyond the simple instruction of academics and establishes the higher purpose of education as the way to educate the human potential. Montessori education is an aid for life; that aims at nurturing each child to their full potential in every aspect of their development; physical, moral, social, emotional and cognitive. Through a comprehensive curriculum that includes all aspects of human development children practice self-regulation, teamwork, conflict resolution and resiliency daily.


Montessori is a learner-centered approach that recognises the innate curiosity and natural desire to learn in each child. The child actively participates in his own learning process; the guide, acting as a mentor adapts the environment and the curriculum to meet the child's interest and pace of learning. Children understand that they are capable and responsbile of their development, establishing an understanding and appreciation that learning is for life.

Absorbent mind

Dr. Maria Montessori discovered what she called the 'absorbent mind'; she believed that from 0 to 6 years old, children absorb all aspects of their culture and surroundings naturally and effortlessly. Cognitive neuroscience's discovery of mirror neurons goes hand in hand with her hypotheses. In a Montessori school, prepared environments are enriched with all manner of interesting activities, including language, mathematics, the sciences, music, art, and geometry for the young child to live, absorb and learn. Through self-chosen, engaging activities and adults modeling social behaviour, children develop the executive functions and self-regulation skills that will aid in their development.

Sensitive periods

Sensitive periods are developmental windows of opportunity during which the child can learn specific concepts more easily and naturally than at any other time in their lives. A child in the midst of a sensitive period will show an especially strong interest towards certain activities or areas in the classroom. Montessori classrooms are prepared with these sensitive periods in mind; the multi-age classrooms, the continuum in the curricular areas supported by scientific materials , the freedom of choice and allowing children uninterrupted time to concentrate are the pillars to cover the critical periods of plasticity in the brain to learn.

Role of the adult

The most important attribute of a Montessori teacher is the love and respect she holds for each child's whole-being. The adult in the Montessori Methodology is the link connecting all the pieces together. The guide is the unbiased observer, with a precise knowledge of the pedagogical principles of the Montessori Methodology and human development. She has a deep bond with the child and is monitoring each child's development, recognising and interpreting their needs and adapting the environment and themselves for the learning to happen naturally.